
Inside The Future Media Event

Inside The Future Media Event

So, Future Media, the intersection of emerging tech and mass media and entertainment is hot!  But too many of  the leading voices still look just like those from the previous waves of tech surges! There seems to be a lot of intrigue but no real "winners" yet or solid business models, and that's a good thing. I think that trends within culture, race, and politics will have more bearing on this area than many others and probably ever before. The way to win? Make as many relationships that reach far and wide as possible because the key word is: collaboration.  So happy to have co-produced this with our social impact initiative sister, GameChange.  Access the full recording here:

https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/ share/ dyHGIORHnZjskNihNH8ARoFcvxhwRa WzO2a6wqR07IJAuqSG9Rozt4QTemf4 z3qu.zAmi9QYxD2P2bYNZ
Passcode: B7BWOD&S

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