Inversion Diaster Capitalism
So as we know, all things are in the process of changing. This is about a world currently working through Inversion Disaster Capitalism and Inversion Post-Disaster Capitalism.
What's Inversion Disaster Capitalism? When you see companies like LVMH pivot to manufacture hand sanitizer and do so for free. Where we see major corporations also giving away products such as connectivity, such as Comcast. The point is, that all is changing. The majority of communication is now on-line, and expertise and prices for it are being re-defined. Now that consumers have seen this, business as usual will no longer work. Behavior around digital engagement coupled with an entirely new expectation of social responsibility and care will be the order of the day. Most companies are not truly ready for an organic offering for this paradigm trend shift. Our CEO, Lauren deLisa Coleman, has been invited to give a special live-adapted presentation on how to prepare for Post-Disaster Capitalism. Stay tuned for dates on how to link to this special trend talk!